Ungrouped Primitive Achondrites
Some interesting primitive achondrites are only represented by a single
find, providing inadequate justification for the establishment of a new
group. For example, two new primitive enstatite achondrites, Zaklodzie,
Poland, and Itqiy, Western Sahara, are unique in mineral composition.
Although they both are composed largely of the magnesium-rich pyroxene,
enstatite, and nickel-iron metal, the texture of Zaklodzie resembles an
acapulcoite while that of Itqiy is more like a lodranite. They probably
both represent samples of moderately differentiated, E chondrite parent
bodies that experienced similar differentiation processes such as that
which occurred on the acapulcoite/lodranite parent body.
found 1990 Saguia el Hamra, Western Sahara
TKW 4.72 kg
primitive achondrite or EH7 anomalous

Itqiy 00
perfect crusted slice, a rare size for Itqiy...
Itqiy 01
crusted square slice

Itqiy 02
0.5 gr
Nice triangular slice !
$ 100