Special Feature:
NWAs: Second Class Meteorites?
On the collector's market, prices of most Northwest African
meteorites are still dropping while witnessed falls are getting more
expensive. Are NWA meteorites less valuable, or is it a subliminal
form of chauvinism making some people treat them like second class
meteorites? >>
Latest news :
January 2021: 24 years of our
company in the World and on Internet ! see the superb Sericho
pallasite we will present in Tucson;
September 2017: Warning,
it seems that the anti spam system of our web provider is bouncing
back emails from our customers since years. Please, if that ever
happened to you, contact us so we can unblock your address.
Tucson 2016 :
Miracle !
some of the stolen meteorites recovered. Special thanks to Tucson
Police Department !!
10 January 2015 some
have promised you the Moon... We have bottled it for you ! >>more