HED Group - Meteorites from Vesta
This group comprises three closely related classes of achondrites collectively known as the "HED" group, standing for howardites, eucrites, and diogenites. The members of the HED group represent more evolved achondrites that have experienced extensive igneous processing similar to the magmatic rocks found here on Earth. Consequently, they closely resemble terrestrial igneous rocks such as basalts, dolerites, gabbros, and other igneous rocks of volcanic or plutonic
Polymict group: The eucrites of this group are polymict breccias that contain more than 90% eucritic material and less than 10% diogenitic
clasts. This 9/1 ratio is an arbitrary dividing line to discriminate between polymict eucrites and the closely related
howardites, the latter showing a more even distribution of eucritic and diogenitic
clasts. However, polymict eucrites usually contain zoned pyroxenes within the basaltic clasts whereas the pyroxenes in howardites are mostly
unzoned. Famous members of the polymict group are the falls of Pasamonte, USA, and
Millbillillie, Australia. Other members were found in the hot deserts of
Africa, e.g. Dar al Gani 480, Libya, and Smara, Western Sahara, a polymict fragmental breccia that was recovered by our team in April 2000. One of our more recent
finds, NWA 049, has also been classified as a polymict eucrite - a unique meteorite that contains olivine and quartz. Continued research should reveal the secrets of its formation
Smara, Polymict Eucrite
Western Sahara
Found 2000 April
(polymict eucrite) AEUC-P
TKW : 12.870 kg

Smara 00
16.75 gr
Very nice slice with different clasts !
$ 335 |
Smara 01
44.55 gr
Nice endcut with crust !
$ 890


Smara 02
12.20 gr
Thick triangular piece !
$ 250
Smara 03
16.67 gr
Nice flat endcut with crust !
$ 335


Smara 04
17.84 gr
Nice fragment with crust !
$ 360 |
Smara 05
6.48 gr
thick slice with nice lithology !
$ 130


Smara 06
18.40 gr
Nice flat endcut with crust !
$ 370
Smara 07
7.27 gr
Endcut with nice clasts !
$ 150


Smara 08
5.30 gr
Nice slice with little alteration on the edge !
$ 110 |
Smara 09
11.64 gr
Nice flat endcut with crust !
$ 230

Smara 10
3.75 gr
Nice small endcut !
Smara 11
1.70 gr
Very nice slice with diifferent clasts !
$ 45