CK Group
The meteorites of this group are named for Karoonda, a meteorite that
fell in Australia in 1930. There are only about 20 different CK members
known if we exclude all the pairings that have been found so far in the
hot deserts of Africa and on the blue-ice fields of Antarctica. Initially,
those meteorites were regarded as members of the CV group and were
designated as CV4-5. However, more recently, they have been given their
own group since they differ in some respect from all the other
carbonaceous chondrites.
The chondrites of the CK group belong to the petrologic types 3 - 6,
although most of them have been classified as CK4. They are of a dark-grey
or black appearance due to a high percentage of magnetite that is
dispersed in a matrix of dark silicates, consisting of iron-rich olivine
and pyroxene.
NWA 1558 Found in 1998, Morocco TKW
: 385 gr Type CK5/6,
carbonaceous chondrite

Nwa 1558 00
247 gr
Superbe half stone of the main mass showing a nice shape and
on request |
Nwa 1558 01
22.11 gr
Thick slice with crust on the edge
$ 1330

Nwa 1558 02
11.90 gr
A very nice elongated endcut with crust
$ 720
Nwa 1558 03
5.18 gr
Nice and thin slice with crust !
$ 415

Nwa 1558 04
4.58 gr
A square slice showing nice texture and crust
$ 360
Nwa 1558 05
4.70 gr
None parallel slice, nice texture


Nwa 1558 06
1.58 gr
Nice and thin slice for this CK5/6, crust on the edge
$ 125
Nwa 1558 07
1.90 gr
Nice shape for this slice showing some crust
on the edge !


Nwa 1558 08
1.20 gr
Nice, thin and none parallel slice !
Nwa 1558 09
1.60 gr
Slice with crust on the edge
