Moldavite from Besednice,
Czech Republic
“Moldavites - The Czech Tektites”, states that “The first human
being that was interested in Moldavites was a Cro-Magnon man from the
aurignacian age, i.e., the Upper Paleolithic. Several potsherds
(fragments) of green moldavite glass were found together with the famous
statue of Venus of Willendorf, which is about 29,000 years old, at
Willendorf in Lower Austria.” Fragments of Moldavites were also found in
many other sites, throughout central Europe, which yielded relics from
prehistoric inhabitants.
Moldavites have been shown to be about 14.7 million years old. The most
popular explanation of their origin, according to Prof. Bouska, is that
they were formed during the impact of a large meteorite, or comet nuclei,
with the Earth’s surface.
He explains the formation of tektites in simplified terms: “An
enormous body with a volume of several cubic kilometers is racing towards
the Earth. The uppermost layers of the Earth’s surface are melted by the
highly compressed hot air cushion in front of the flying meteorite prior
to its contact with the surface of the Earth.
At the moment of impact, there is a tremendous explosion
comparable with a multiple hydrogen bomb, the atmosphere is torn apart,
and tektites are formed in the vacuum bubble. The fusion process and the
throwing out of the tektite glass material occurs in a very short time
period prior to the actual impact of the meteorite or comet core. The
modeling of the formation of large impact craters has shown that the
column of hot ascending atmosphere can carry the tektite melt into the
upper parts of the atmosphere or even above the atmosphere.” A search
was made, worldwide, for meteorite craters in the vicinity of tektite
There is strong evidence to support this explanation of the
origin of tektites due to the known age of tektites found in certain areas,
and the relative proximity of the tektite strewnfields to large meteorite
craters of the same age. A number of researchers have suggested that the
surface material in the area around the Ries Crater, in Germany, is
probably the source material for Moldavites -- the age of the crater is
identical with the age of Moldavites.

Moldavite 00
30.81 gr
A rare big drop shape for this besednice moldavite !
Moldavite 01
8.76 gr
Nice besednice flat shape, has a big bubble !

Moldavite 02
13.25 gr
A nice dropp shape for this besednice moldavite !
Moldavite 03
12.45 gr
killer besednice...

Moldavite 04
4.61 gr
beautifull besednice moldavite
Moldavite 05
10.15 gr
An unusual form


Moldavite 06
6.91 gr
A triangular besednice shape
Moldavite 07
10.81 gr
A thick specimen


Moldavite 08
6.52 gr
flat thin attactive piece !
Moldavite 09
3.13 gr
Funny besednice form

Moldavite 10
8.90 gr
thick and deep green specimen
Price on request
Moldavite 11
6.46 gr
So nice !

Moldavite 12
8.70 gr
Another chance to get a nice moldavite specimen...
Price on request
Moldavite 13
6.52 gr
an unusual shape !
Price on request

Moldavite 14
4.25 gr
Tiny, pretty besednice piece
Moldavite 15
10.60 gr
A thick curved moldavite

Moldavite 16
4.52 gr
Nice besednice specimen !
Price on request
Moldavite 17
6.07 gr
elongated moldavite

Moldavite 18
3.37 gr
A lovely besednice piece
Moldavite 19
7.46 gr
wonderfully nice drop shape !

Moldavite 20
8.90 gr
A very nice color...
Moldavite 21
3.47 gr
An very unusual shape, superb

Moldavite 22
7.19 gr
thick layered and deep green specimen
Price on request