L Group
With about 6,500 members (including probable pairings), the chondrites of the L group represent the second largest group of ordinary chondrites. The "L" stands for "low iron" - especially in its free form. L chondrites contain a weight percentage of 20 to 25% total iron, but only 4 to 10% nickel-iron is found as free metal. Therefore, L chondrites are also attracted to a magnet, but much less than their cousins of the H group.
When it comes to the origin of the L chondrites it has been suspected
that they might be former parts of the near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros which
has been intensely studied by the spacecraft NEAR-Shoemaker recently. The
reflectance spectra of 433 Eros and the L chondrites seem to match closely
- however, most L chondrites show signs of severe shock metamorphism
suggesting a violent history of its parent body. Maybe the real parent of
the L chondrites was some kind of relative or a former part of 433 Eros
that has been entirely disrupted when it collided with another asteroid.
Bechar L5
Found 1998 in Algeria
TKW 39 Kg

Bechar -00
superb crusted fragment, the break occured along a shock vein
$1550 |
Bechar -01
non parallel crusted slice with many shock veins

Bechar -02
crusted fragment with three cuts
$350 |
Bechar -03
very nice sliced end cut with crust. A fine
on request

Bechar -04
end cut with no crust, good for slicing
$200 |
Bechar -05
end cut with no crust

Bechar -06
slice with crust
$100 |
Bechar -07
crusted slice, nice shock veins

Bechar -08
very nice end cut with crust and shock veins, good specimen
$260 |
Bechar -09
end cut with no crust