Scientific Articles and Abstracts
Our recent meteorite finds have been the subject of thorough scientific
research and several papers have been published about them.
Especially our four new Martian meteorites and the lunar mare basalt NWA
479 attracted much attention on the 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, March 12-16, 2001, in Houston, Texas, as well as on the 64th
Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, September 10-14, 2001, Vatican
City. We just added a preview on some selected articles and
abstracts that will be presented on the 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 11-15, 2002,
in League City, Texas. Have a look.
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Articles on our Martian Meteorites
NWA 480 - Basaltic Shergottite
Barrat, Gillet, Jambon, Sautter, Javoy,
Petit, Lesourd:
News from the Moon
and Mars: Preliminary Examinations of two new Saharan Finds
32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2001, Houston, Texas
Barrat, Gillet, Sautter, Jambon, Javoy,
Gölpel, Lesourd, Keller, Petit:
The Basaltic
Shergottite Northwest Africa 480: Petrology and Geochemistry
Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
Crozaz G., Wadhwa M., Barrat J. A.:
Elements in
NWA 480: still more Diversity in the Basaltic Shergottite Group
64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
Deloule, E.:
D/H Ratio in Magmatic Minerals from Martian Meteorites
(including NWA 480)
33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2002, League City, Texas
NWA 817 - The New Nakhlite
Sautter, Barrat, Gillet, Jambon, Lorand, Javoy, Lesourd:
A new Martian
Meteorite from Morocco: the Nakhlite NWA 817
64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
Gillet, Barrat, Crozaz, Deloule, Jambon, Neuville, Sautter, Wadhwa:
Aqueous Alteration
in the NWA 817 Martian Meteorite
64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
Wadhwa M., Barrat J. A., Crozaz G.:
Petrogenesis of a
new Nakhlite from Rare Earth and Trace Element Microdistributions
64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
Mikouchi T., Miyamoto M.:
Northwest Africa
817: a new Nakhlite similar to others but distinct
64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
Mikouchi T., Miyamoto M.:
Comperative Cooling Rates of Nakhlites
(including NWA 817)
33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2002, League City, Texas
NWA 856 - Basaltic Shergottite
Jambon, Barrat, Gillet, Gölpel, Javoy,
Joron, Sautter:
One more
Shergottite from North Western Sahara
64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
Monkawa A., Makino K., Mikouchi T., Koizumi E., Ishi T., Miyamoto M.:
Characteristics of Ti-rich Kaersutites in Martian Meteorites
(including NWA 856)
33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2002, League City, Texas
Deloule, E.:
D/H Ratio in Magmatic Minerals from Martian
Meteorites (including NWA 856)
33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2002, League City, Texas
NWA 1068 - The First Picritic Shergottite
Barrat, Jambon, Bohn, Gillet, Sautter, Göpel, Lesourd, Keller:
The Picritic Shergottite Northwest Africa 1068 (NWA 1068 or "Louise Michel")
33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2002, League City, Texas
Mikouchi T., Miyamoto M.:
Olivine Cooling Rate of the Northwest Africa 1068 Shergottite
33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2002, League City, Texas
Articles on our other Achondrites
NWA 479 - Lunar Mare Basalt
Barrat, Gillet, Jambon, Sautter, Javoy,
Petit, Lesourd:
News from the Moon
and Mars: Preliminary Examinations of two new Saharan Finds
32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2001, Houston, Texas
NWA 049 - Polymict Eucrite with Olivine
Beck, Barrat, Jambon, Gillet,
Blichert-Toft, Lesourd:
The Polymict
Eucrite Northwest Africa 049
64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
NWA 766 - Ferroan Ureilite with Garnet
Sikirdji M., Warren P. H.:
Northwest Africa
766: A new Ferroan Ureilite with Cr-Spinel and Cr-rich-Garnet
64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2001, Vatican City
Abstracts on our finds in the Meteoritical
Russel S., Zipfel J., Grossman J. N., Grady
Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 86, 2002 July
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 37 (2002)
Grossman J. N., Zipfel J.:
Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 85, 2001 September
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 36 (2001)
Grossman J.N.:
Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 84, 2000 August
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 35 (2000)